One of my criticisms of the modern church is the over emphasis of participating in church functions and programs. I see this as taking up much of the free time that believers could otherwise being spending in doing good works. Those good works that are so clearly taught in the NT.
I find myself now one of the least of these, brethren of Christ Jesus, one of the humble and lowly in circumstance. Today while visiting the Church under the Bridge in downtown Austin, I was talking with a couple of sisters and made mention of the verse regarding associating with the lowly.
Rom 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be proud, but be willing to associate with people of low position. Do not be conceited.
One of the sisters I was talking to, whom I know from a yahoo group I'm in, made mention how too many of the people who come downtown to minister to the homeless do so from a superior attitude, and often will not touch one of the homeless people. When Paul penned these words, the church was made up of mostly the lowly or those in a humble state, the poor and slaves. Those who were wealthy, and rich were encouraged to not be separate, as the heathen are, but to associate with those of low position or the poor and slaves.
Romans chapter 12 starts a change in Paul's letter to the Romans. The first 11 chapters are all about salvation in Christ Jesus. That it is all his work in us, his called out ones, his people. That all men are called to salvation, Jew, Gentile, slave, free, men and women all alike. With this chapter Paul now starts teaching about how to live in Christ. He starts with "Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship." (Rom 12:1 )
As ones called out of the dark kingdom of sin and translated into the kingdom of Christ Jesus, (Col. 3:1 ) we are to live lives of a living sacrifice. Giving up our rights in many, many ways. One such right has to do with not taking pride in our station in life or our accomplishments, and refusing to associate with those who are of a lower station in life. The rich are to be friends with the poor and, yes, the homeless just as they are with their country club friends. Nothing wrong with being proud of your honest efforts in life. True humility is to take proper pride in your work so as to perform the best you can, and not thinking higher of yourself than you really are. False pride causes us to not associate with anyone who is not of our class or station. In Christ there is no class, no Jew, no Gentile, no slave, no freedmen, no men, no women. In our salvation we all come on the same basis, and are on the same footing, Christ and Christ alone. In our lives together we are to strive to associate with all who claim the name of Christ, and not refuse to associate with those "we think" are beneath us. For all are the brethren of Christ, we all are brothers and sisters in the family of God in Christ Jesus.
Christ gave us the parable of the shepherd dividing the faithful sheep from the unfaithful goats in associated with the judgment of God upon Israel. In 63-70 AD that judgment separation took place. The sheep were separated out and sent into Jordan and other areas for safety. The goats faced the weeping and gnashing of teeth from the judgment of God upon them through the anti-Christ armies of Rome. I can see where Christ still judges those in the kingdom of God the same way. If He does not judge the church for how we treat the least of his brethren, then he will have to apologize to first century Israel.
Giving food to the hungry, water to the thirsty, clothes to the naked, care for those who are sick and infirm or disabled, those of the faith in jail is still Christ's call to us who strive to be faithful followers of Him.
Through out the Old Testament God calls Israel to show loving good works to three groups of people, widows, orphans and the homeless alien in the land. James mentions that the taking care of widows and orphans are part of pure religion. Religion is made up of those things we do specifically because of our faith in God. Because we are saved in Christ Jesus, we do good works, works that were prepared for us to do from the founding of the world (Eph. 2:10 ). We are not saved just to get into heaven, salvation is not fire insurance. We are saved to serve the Lord in simple obedience to his commands. He commands us to love one another as he loved the disciples. Paul here says that one way we live that out is to associate with those in lowly position.
My encouragement to all who read this is to get out of your comfort zone. Be the feet of Christ and go out to the hedges and byways, the alleys (in the day time only), the shop doorways and sidewalks. Get to know some of the homeless. Be friends with them, you might find one or two that will surprise you in a good way. Try to identify what they really need,might be a hot meal, might be a hot shower and change of clothes, maybe a chance to watch their clothes. Maybe a trip to the clinic or dentist. Be real, seek out real needs. Setting up a stereo and preaching at them, is not the best, IMHO. Giving them a chance to talk and a showing them a willing ear to listen can go a long way.
Be the hands of Jesus, and reach out to sooth and heal. Show real care and concern, not just a few dollars or change in the hand.
You might even chance to show hospitality in your own home to one of these least of Christ's brethren. And you might find out you have taken in one of Christ's angels unawares.
May the lord grant you the grace to be faithful in showing real and a pure love to those who are the least of his brethren.
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